About The Reframe

The Reframe is an independent publication delivering the writing of author A.R. Moxon, who is me. Hi. I'm A.R. Moxon. You can subscribe to this. It's free!

Scroll down to read about the following:

Why Subscribe?
Paid Subscriptions & Payment Coupons
Delivery Policy
Cancellation Policy
Refund Policy
Contact Info

You can also pay for it! It's pay-what-you-want anarchy over here! Scroll down to find coupons, or click the Subscribe button for regular pricing.

Why Subscribe?

I write stuff. Some thousands of people like it, it seems. You might like it, too.

My essays tend to be about politics most weeks and narrative fiction (currently the TV show LOST) about once a month. You’ll get an update once a week, usually Sunday or Monday morning, bam! pow! right in your email inbox (but check your Spam just in case). And then sometimes I get a wild idea and you get an extra during the week, isn’t that nice?

You can support my work with a paid subscription. Pay what you want, if you can.

The paid member's version of The Reframe will be (a handful of members updates and offers aside) exactly the same as the unpaid version.

So why pay? Because while I like doing this, I also think there's value in it. And I also think people should be paid for the value of what they create. I think doing so encourages them to keep creating, and probably makes it a bit easier for them to do so.

Maybe you agree.

However, I'm aware some people can't afford to pay, so there will be no paywall. Everyone gets the same newsletter.

If you can't pay or don't really see any value to this newsletter, do nothing! You're all set and I still love you very much, as far as you know.

But if you can afford to pay, and agree there's value to this newsletter, and you want to show that by paying, this is how you do that.

I think $10 monthly is fair. That's roughly $2.50 a newsletter. Why, you can't even get an individually-wrapped dill pickle at a gas station for that price anymore. But anything you want to pay is fine with me.

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Click to pay $10/month or $100/year for full price (or just click on the Subscribe button below).

There’s also a popular Founding Member option, at $150/year, that comes with your choice of:

1) a personalized autographed copy of my novel, The Revisionaries


2) my upcoming collection of essays, many of them first published right here in The Reframe, titled Very Fine People. VFP will be published in 2024; it was funded by founding members, who are mentioned by name in the acknowledgement section. If you sign up now, you'll be mentioned by name in any future book of essays.

Note: I will email you in order to get your shipping information and book preference. In order to activate this offer, you must provide a valid email address and respond to the inquiry.

Finally, if you want to make a one-time payment, my Venmo is here and my Paypal is here

If you choose to pay, thank you!

Either way, I'm going to go on writing these newsletters for as long as I want, and you're going to keep getting them for as long as you want. And if I stop, I presume you'd stop paying.

And that's that.

Delivery Policy

The Reframe is an email-based newsletter. I'll write one a week, usually. You'll get it in the in-box of the email you provide. You can ask to stop receiving the emails in account settings and then you'll stop receiving the emails.

Cancellation Policy

The Reframe is supported 100% by voluntary subscriptions. The cancellation policy here is that you can cancel whenever you want, at any time, for any reason, or for no reason.

If you were a Founding Member prior to cancellations, then after the term of your subscription ends, you won't get any new books for free from me (if and when I publish them), and you won't be thanked as a founding member in the acknowledgements section, which are the perks of being a Founding Member.

If you were paying at any other level, nothing will change except that you will no longer be paying. You'll even keep getting the newsletter, unless you unsubscribe in account settings.

Refund Policy

Monthly paid voluntary subscribers have an active term of 1 month from date of most recent payment. Annual paid voluntary subscribers have an active term of 12 months from date of most recent payment.

If you cancel a monthly subscription, your term will end 1 month from the most recent payment. In the case of cancellations of monthly subscriptions, I will assume that the most recent payment is an intended payment, and I will not automatically issue a refund. However, I will honor requests to refund the most recent monthly payment if I receive the request within 30 calendar days of the most recent payment. You can reach me at andrewrmoxon@gmail.com

If you cancel an annual subscription, your term will end 12 months from the most recent payment. In the case of cancellations of annual subscriptions, I will assume that the most recent payment is an intended payment, and I will not automatically issue a refund. However, I will honor requests to refund the most recent payment for a cancelled annual subscription if I receive the request within 30 calendar days of the most recent payment. You can reach me at andrewrmoxon@gmail.com

(Also, if you are seeking an exception to this policy, just email me and we will probably be able to work something out. I just can't issue a blanket refund offer in perpetuity because over time I do eventually tend to spend the money.)

Contact Info

You can reach me at andrewrmoxon@gmail.com
You can mail me at PO Box 8181, Kentwood MI 49508

Thank you for subscribing

Your readership and financial support makes this newsletter possible, so don't let anybody say you never did nothing.